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It's September 19, 2024

Welcome to the GVA Intranet!

GVA Basecamp

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This week’s Basecamp features Joe Geary, Regional Sales Director, Jim Jackson, Fixed Income CIO, and Allyson Krautheim, Portfolio Specialist of Victory Capital. Victory Capital is a diversified global investment management firm offering a wide array of independent investment approaches and innovative solutions designed to drive better investment outcomes.

We will be discussing today’s fixed-income market:

  • Identifying the risks that exist
  • Challenges that the Agg faces
  • How one should think about fixed income in the face of rate cuts

Note – All calls and recurring events will come from the GVA Events email address (events@gvaria.com). Please be on the lookout for all emails from this address.

GVA Basecamp meetings are a monthly expedition updating you on what’s happening around GVA, guest spotlights, and partner highlights and how they support you and your business. We will spend the first half informally chatting with our guests and then open the floor to a shared learning environment segment where we encourage you to share your best practices, engage with peers, and ask questions to learn from one another.

Please read our news articles for “GVA Basecamp” on The GVA Intranet Events page and contact GVA Communications with any questions and suggestions for future topics.

Microsoft Teams Need help?
Meeting ID: 274 994 436 046
Passcode: gwoPYh

Dial-in by phone
+1 717-723-3662,,107060059# United States, Lancaster
Phone conference ID: 107 060 059#
For organizers: Meeting options | Reset dial-in PIN
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