Spring Cleaning

Published On: May 22, 2024Categories: Retirement Partners

Spring isn’t just a great time to clean up your attic, basement, garage, closet or yard. It’s a great time to tidy up your retirement plan business and make sure you’re covering all the bases as a plan advisor. Here are some key areas to focus on:

  • Regular plan review. Conduct periodic reviews of the plan’s features, investment options, fees and administrative procedures. These reviews ensure alignment with the plan’s objectives and compliance with regulatory changes. It also helps your employers maintain a competitive edge when it comes to recruiting and retaining quality employees.
  • Fee benchmarking. Compare the plan’s fees against industry standards to ensure they are reasonable and in the best interest of participants.
  • Fiduciary responsibilities. Maintain a clear understanding of fiduciary duties and regularly document decisions and processes. If you haven’t already, consider engaging GVA Retirement Partners to help with investment selection and monitoring.
  • Participant education and communication. Make sure you are offering educational resources and tools to help employees make informed decisions about their retirement savings. Consider adding financial wellness resources and tools based on the needs of your employees.
  • Automatic features and default options. If you haven’t already, consider implementing auto-enrollment, auto-escalation of contributions and appropriate default investment options to boost employee participation and savings rates while also assisting with discrimination testing results.
  • Compliance with regulations. Consider an annual compliance review to address any potential issues proactively. This foresight is especially valuable given the ongoing rollout of SECURE Act 2.0 provisions (both mandatory and optional).
  • Data security and privacy. Safeguard participant data by implementing robust cybersecurity measures. If you haven’t done so yet, review the DOL’s 2021 guidance, which provides best practices to help plan sponsors, plan fiduciaries, service providers and plan participants maintain a prudent cybersecurity program within the retirement plan framework.
  • Vendor oversight. Review service agreements with plan providers regularly to ensure they’re delivering on agreed-upon services efficiently and cost-effectively.
  • Plan documentation. Ensure plan documents are up to date, accurately reflecting the plan’s operations and any changes in regulations or policies.
  • Plan design enhancements. Continuously evaluate the plan design to make adjustments that better meet the needs of participants, such as offering Roth contributions or other features that might align with their preferences.
  • Diversification and investment options. Evaluate and diversify investment options, providing a range of choices that align with different risk appetites and investment goals.
  • Retirement readiness assessment. Work with your plan record keeper to regularly assess the plan’s effectiveness in preparing your employees for retirement. Consider tools or services that help employees understand if they’re on track for their retirement goals.

GVA Retirement Partners specializes in assisting plan sponsors with the above tasks so you don’t have to, call us today to discuss how we can partner with you and your plans!